Wednesday, May 17, 2023

What’s New with the 2024 AMCAS Application?

what's new with the 2024 AMCAS Application
What's New with the 2024 AMCAS Application

The American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) opened on May 2nd for the 2024 application cycle. If you are busily writing and preparing to submit your application, please note the following changes to this year’s application.


Identifying Information

The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) has added two additional options in the “Identifying Information” section under “Gender Identity and Pronouns.” Specifically, applicants can now select “Another Gender Identity” and “Another Pronoun Set” in addition to either “Male” or “Female.” These new labels offer more inclusive options for applicants.  

Standardized Tests

Applicants can now indicate and enter a future planned exam date for the AAMC PREview assessment. While this has been an option for the MCAT in prior application years, this is new to the 2024 AMCAS application. This will give medical schools insight as to when they can expect exam scores to arrive.  

Schools Attended

Within the “Schools Attended” section, the subsection of “Institutional Action” will now offer applicants the ability to select “Conduct,” “Academic,” or “Both.” This additional detail gives admissions committees more insight and context regarding the nature of any reported action during the time the applicant was enrolled at an undergraduate institution.  

Biographic Information

Applicants have the opportunity to answer a question regarding “Other Impactful Experiences.” This question is intended for candidates who have overcome specific challenges or hardships and can relate to family experiences, financial challenges, education, community, religion, and other such issues. The writing submitted to the “Other Impactful Experiences” essay need not be healthcare related and is intended to provide additional information so that the admissions committee can conduct a holistic review of each and every applicant.  


A new experience category entitled “Social Justice/Advocacy” has been added. This is a wonderful opportunity for applicants to write about times when they advocated for others’ rights, equality, and accessibility. If you have promoted a cause, elicited policy change, or been pivotal in a social justice movement, this is your time to shine! This also allows medical schools to match their mission statement with work you have completed in the community.     

Valerie Wherley admissions expert headshot

Dr. Valerie Wherely. Former assistant dean of student affairs and career development at the William Beaumont School of Medicine; worked directly with the dean of the School of Medicine, the associate dean of student affairs, the associate dean of clinical curriculum, and the assistant dean of admissions, as well as with Year 4 students on both residency application review/critique and mock interview preparation

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The post What’s New with the 2024 AMCAS Application? appeared first on Accepted Admissions Blog.

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