Thursday, September 10, 2020

Drexel University College of Medicine Secondary Application Essay Tips [2020 – 2021]

Drexel University College of Medicine Secondary Application Essay Tips
Drexel University College of Medicine Secondary Application Essay Tips

Drexel University’s main campus is located in Philadelphia, PA and, overall, the school has about 1,000 medical students. The school emphasizes the intersection between research and clinical care and has research centers for nanomedicine and neuroengineering. Drexel’s clinical education provides a “patient-focused practice emphasizing quality, innovation and community service.”

Drexel’s mission statement emphasizes diversity alongside a spirit of collaboration within research and clinical sciences. They are known for their dedicated faculty and commitment to students who are experiencing hardship.

Drexel University College of Medicine 2020-21 secondary application essay questions

Drexel Medical School essay #1

 If you are a recent graduate, please tell us what you have been doing since graduation. You may answer “Not applicable.” (no limit)

This essay should explain what you have been doing since graduation as well as your planned activities for the gap year before matriculation into medical school. You should include work, education, personal experience (e.g. caring for family, travel), and volunteer work. If you have work experience, you can also give some insight into major accomplishments.

Drexel Medical School essay #2 

What else do you feel is important for us to know about you? You can use this space to highlight something not addressed in your application, including new experiences not in your AMCAS application. You can also talk about how COVID -19 impacted you. For example, it may have caused disruptions or changes in your plans. If there is something you would like to share regarding how this event impacted you, share that information here. (500 word limit)

This is an opportunity to tell the admissions committee about how you were affected by Covid-19. How your education, volunteer work, employment, MCAT, shadowing, employment were affected by the pandemic and COVID-19 crisis. Most applicants will have had some disruption. If you were affected personally (you, your family, your community) definitely address this.

Stay factual and clear.  

Drexel has eliminated their secondary about diversity.  I recommend using this space to highlight anything from your past that doesn’t fit neatly into other categories. This can include family history, personal loss or achievement, or a particularly meaningful experience. Do not repeat an activity that you discussed fully in another section or in your primary. 

If you have diverse characteristics in your pedigree, explore them. How will these personal attributes improve the scope of medicine for all? How does this truth assist the mission of Drexel University College of Physicians and Surgeons? Speak to their mission as your diversity relates to it, and how this is an asset to patient care.

If you would like professional guidance with your Drexel Medical School application materials, check out Accepted’s Medical School Admissions Consulting and Editing Services, which include advising, editing, and interview coaching for Drexel’s application materials.

Drexel Medical School 2020-21 application timeline

AMCAS Application Due January 1
Secondary Application Due February 1

Source: Drexel Medical School website

***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions and deadlines.***

Mary-Mahoney-admissions-consultantDr. Mary Mahoney, Ph.D. has over 20 years of experience as an advisor and essay reviewer for med school applicants. She is a tenured English Professor with an MFA in Creative Writing from Sarah Lawrence College and a PhD in Literature and Writing from the University of Houston. For the last twenty years, Mary has served as a grad school advisor and essay reviewer for med school applicants. Want Mary to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch!

Register for our upcoming webinar: Writing Secondary Essays That Get You Accepted!

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