Friday, August 21, 2020

Stanford MSx Application Essay Tips & Deadlines [2020 – 2021]

Stanford MSx Application Essay Tips & Deadlines
Stanford MSx Application Essay Tips & Deadlines

Both the relatively complex MSx application form and your resume will establish you as a leader in your organization (and possibly even your domain), and that leadership experience is essential if you want to be a qualified MSx applicant. It’s important, but it’s just a qualification. Being qualified isn’t enough because Stanford MSx always receives applications from more qualified applicants than it admits. Showing you’re qualified is the role of the resume and application form, and it’s the foundation of your application. Your essays need to do more – they must make the case for why the adcom should admit YOU from among other qualified applicants in your industry, function, geographic region, etc.

In thinking about our successful Stanford MSx clients, , one thing stands out: they’re vibrant. They stand out. They have impact, not just because of solid career strategies and impressive results, though that’s part of it. They are propelled forward by qualities of character: passion, courage, energy, curiosity, commitment, rigor, vision, big thinking, heart. 

These essays are your opportunity to reveal your own special character and clarify how it will add to the Stanford MSx mix. You’re already a substantial leader organizationally with a track record to show it. To shape the future, you must have something to say, a point of view, a distinctive voice – so don’t hesitate to take a stand in these essays.

Stanford MSx application essays

Our essay questions are meant to be straightforward, not trick questions. This is an opportunity for you to share reflections on your life and career and further describe your aspirations. (Your answers to the two essays questions combined may not exceed 1,050 words. We recommend up to 650 words for Essay A and up to 400 words for Essay B.)

Required Stanford MSx essay #1

What matters most to you, and why? For this essay, we would like you to reflect deeply and write from the heart. Once you have identified what matters most to you, help us understand why. You might consider, for example, what makes this so important to you? What people, insights, or experiences have shaped your perspectives?

To really hit a home run with this essay, you need to bare your soul, at least a bit; take a risk, be open and probing about some essential aspect of yourself. That doesn’t mean the topic must be about your personal life, though for many applicants it is. You could, for example, discuss a political belief, religious faith, or social issue that truly engages you and shapes your perspective. I do suggest using a topic that has some profound meaning to you and that will allow you to ground this essay in your experience. Ultimately, it’s your experience and how you process or synthesize it that will be a key part of this essay. Keep in mind, though, talking about what matters to you is just that – talking (well, in this case, writing). To be credible, and to impress the adcom, present actions you’ve taken and impacts you’ve had related to what matters most. (You know the cliché: actions speak louder than words…)

Sometimes my clients worry when facing this question that their most intuitive topic isn’t “unique” – to which I say, it will be by the time you’re done with the essay, if you delve deep into your experience and deliver your message via detailed anecdotes and frank reflection.

Don’t make this essay overly or overtly strategic; that ends up feeling superficial and manipulative given the topic. One straightforward approach is to structure the essay as a story, with reflection and insight at various pivotal points.

Last, don’t forgot to explicitly address “why” your chosen topic is what matters most to you. The explanation need not be long, and the “why” may already be obvious from the thrust of the essay. But do still address it.

Stanford MSx essay #2

Why this program now? What are your personal and professional objectives, and how will the Stanford MSx Program help you achieve them?

I suggest starting with your professional objectives – include specific details about position, company, anticipated responsibilities, etc. Equally if not more important, however, is why you want to pursue this position/role: what motivates this projected career path, what impact you aim to have. This information will invigorate the essay and turn a competent essay into a compelling one. It ideally will get the adcom excited about supporting your career journey.

Toward the end of this section, add a specific point or two about your personal objectives for attending this program – this part of the question also reflects the program’s emphasis on holistic growth, and your application should respond to that emphasis. Personal objectives need not be divorced from professional ones – often, development of a given trait or capability will benefit various aspects of one’s life.

Important: be explicit about “why now” – it’s an especially relevant point for mid-career professionals pursuing a full-time program. It’s also the key point that differentiates this question from the required short-answer career question below. “Why now” is often a convergence of factors: usually your career trajectory combined with market and/or economic conditions, and/or organizational situation, and/or industry trends, etc. Address each of those threads and weave them together into a coherent statement. 

In discussing how the program will benefit you, be specific: describe what skills and knowledge you need and how the program meets those needs. Also refer to the structure, culture, and special features of the program, detailing how they will support you and your goals.

Career aspirations short-answer question (Required)

Please tell us about what you aspire to do in your career. How will the Stanford MSx Program, combined with your experience, education or background, help you achieve your career goals? Be specific.  (up to 1200 characters, approximately 200 word limit)

Yes, this question does mirror about 85-90% the required essay question 2. Both ask about career aspirations and how the MSx program will help you achieve them. This question also asks about how the program balances your education and/or background to prepare you, so focus on that different aspect. To avoid being redundant of essay 2 on goals, focus on different aspects of your goals—for example, in essay 2 you could focus on your career vision, things you want to achieve, and here focus on how your role will evolve accordingly (or vice versa).  Certainly, there is plenty about MSx to discuss across these 2 essays – break it up based on your goals discussion.

Optional short-answer questions

In this section, we provide an optional opportunity to go beyond your resume to discuss some of your contributions more fully. What do we mean by “optional”?  We truly mean you have the opportunity to choose…. 

I have never yet met a qualified, competitive MSx applicant whose career and life didn’t contain such an abundance of fascinating and relevant experiences that it made most sense to skip these questions. That said, I’ll never say never… 

Please do not include your short-answer response in your essays upload; use the text boxes provided in the application.

Optional short-answer question #1

Think about times you’ve created a positive impact, whether in professional, extracurricular, academic, or other settings. What was your impact? What made it significant to you or to others? You are welcome to share up to three examples. (Up to 1200 characters, approximately 200 words, for each example)

Ideally, present examples from the different areas. With 200 words each, just tell the story and make crystal clear the impact. Do try to have at least 1-2 fairly recent. Be strategic: use this section to round out your candidacy and/or spotlight significant achievements that may be just a bullet point on the resume.

Optional short-answer question #2

Optional Question 2Tell us about a time within the last three years when your background influenced your participation at work or community. (up to 1100 characters, approximately 180 words) 

This too calls for a story, albeit with a twist: “when your background influenced…” You can interpret “background” as you wish: ethnic, religious, geographic, economic, social, educational… Clarify this “frame” at the start, and then just tell that story! Here too, ensure the actual influence is clearly described. Don’t overlook the specified time frame, the last 3 years.

Additional information

If there is any information that is critical for us to know and is not captured elsewhere, include it in the “Additional Information” section of the application. Pertinent examples include:

    • Extenuating circumstances affecting academic or work performance

    • An explanation of why you do not have a letter of reference from your current direct supervisor

    • An explanation of any academic suspension or expulsion

    • Work experience that did not fit into the space provided

    • Academic experience (e.g., independent research) not noted elsewhere

The wording of this question indicates that you should use this space only to explain things that need explaining in some way. Indeed, the application form plus the essay questions provide ample opportunity to present your holistic candidacy, so adhere to the parameters of this question, and stick to necessary topics – if any. If none, fine.

Stanford MSx Application Deadlines for 2020-21

Round 1, MBA + MSx combined September 15, 2020
Round 1, MSx only October 15, 2020
Round 2, MBA + MSx combined January 6, 2021
Round 3, MSx only March 12, 2021

Source: Stanford MSx website

***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions and deadlines.***

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