Monday, March 30, 2020

How Will COVID-19 Impact Your Med School Admissions Journey? Live Q&A Session Tomorrow!

med school COVID-19 live q&a

med school COVID-19 live q&a

With deadlines, guidelines, and requirements in what seems like a constant state of flux, it’s natural to have questions about your educational future. Should you apply this year? Or is it better to wait a while? What can you do to help your chances of admission in a time when we’re all being told to self-isolate and stay home?

Our medical school admissions experts want to help you answer these questions and more. We’re holding a free, live, virtual Q&A session tomorrow and you’re invited to attend!

 Tomorrow’s live panel, How Will COVID-19 Impact Your Med School Admissions Journey? connects you directly with a group of Accepted’s most knowledgeable med school admissions experts as we discuss how this year’s admissions process will likely differ from the norm, how it will stay the same, and how you can maximize your chances of application success.

Join us tomorrow for this FREE session, and give yourself an hour to sit down and really focus on ways you can use this time of social distancing to improve your med school application. It could be what makes the difference between getting passed over and getting ACCEPTED!

med COVID-19 registration button

AcceptedFor 25 years, Accepted has helped applicants gain acceptance to their dream healthcare programs. Our outstanding team of admissions consultants features former admissions directors, admissions committee members, pre-health advisors, postbac program directors, and doctors. Our staff has guided applicants to acceptance at allopathic (MD) and osteopathic (DO) medical schools, residencies and fellowships, dental school, veterinarian school, and physician assistant programs at top schools such as Harvard, Stanford, Penn, UCSF, Johns Hopkins, Columbia, and many more. Want an admissions expert to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch!

The post How Will COVID-19 Impact Your Med School Admissions Journey? Live Q&A Session Tomorrow! appeared first on Accepted Admissions Blog.

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