Thursday, December 12, 2019

Cornell EMBA Application Essay Tips & Deadlines [2019 – 2020]

Cornell EMBA 2019-20 essay tips & deadlines

Cornell EMBA 2019-20 essay tips & deadlines

The Cornell Executive MBA Program has three required essay questions, and the word count for all three is short. While no one is going to be counting individual words, the short word count guideline is a clear indicator that you should work on clarity of thought with all of your answers. Cornell interviews every applicant to its program, so if you are concerned that the essay format doesn’t give you enough opportunity to share everything you want to, rest assured you will have the opportunity to discuss them further in the interview.

Cornell EMBA Application Essays:

Cornell EMBA Essay #1

In a concise statement, tell us why you are seeking an MBA. Specifically, what are your short and long-term career goals? And how will an MBA earned through an Executive MBA program at Cornell University help you achieve your goals? (400 words max)

You first want to identify why you feel you need an MBA, linking your past/current career experience with your short and long term goals and what about an MBA degree will allow you to achieve them. Then you need to relay “Why Cornell?” and “Why EMBA?” For the former, be convincing about the reasons Cornell is the best choice for you, and show you have done your homework – “location” and “reputation” won’t cut it. The admissions committee wants to know what you anticipate the program will be like, what you will get out of it, how the program fits with your career vision, and what the entire experience means to you as a person. For the latter, by making the choice to apply to an Executive MBA program, you are of course signaling you will keep your job while going to school. Indicate why that format is the best fit.

Cornell EMBA Essay #2

Describe your first experience as a leader in a professional setting, and your current leadership role. Explain how your first experience in a leadership position influenced your style and how you act as a leader today. (400 words)

This essay wants you to showcase how you have grown as a leader, built upon strengths, and learned from mistakes. Perhaps your leadership style was influenced by a mentor or someone you admire, or perhaps it came from seeing someone lead with a style you were determined NOT to emulate. Explain what you learned from that very first experience, what you decided to continue doing as you moved forward in leadership roles, what you decided to stop doing, and how you evolved your style over time. You don’t need to have direct reports to successfully answer this question – leadership comes in many forms in a professional setting, and no doubt you have had the chance to exhibit it at some point – so don’t worry if that is the case.

Cornell EMBA Essay #3

What else would you like us to know? Please use this statement to address potential concerns such as gaps in employment or prior academic difficulties. You can also use this statement to highlight any achievements or significant life events that are not included elsewhere in the application. (250 words)

If there are flaws in your application, they will be noticed. You want to be in control of the narrative of those blemishes rather than letting admissions committee members draw their own conclusions – they are much easier to address upfront than in an interview situation. Be as honest and direct as possible. Keep in mind the admissions committee members are human, too, and they have flaws as well! If you opt to share additional accomplishments, make sure they truly add to your application and the type of student you will be, so that the additional information enhances your candidacy rather than comes across as bragging.

For expert guidance with your Cornell EMBA application, check out Accepted’s MBA Application Packages, which include comprehensive guidance from an experienced admissions consultant. We’ve helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to Cornell’s EMBA program and look forward to helping you too!

Cornell Executive MBA Americas

We review applications on a rolling basis. Candidates are encouraged to submit their applications once they are complete, with a few important dates to consider:

Priority Consideration Deadline December 31, 2019
Expedited Decision Deadline March 31, 2020
Application Deadline May 15, 2020

Cornell Executive MBA Metro NY

Applications are currently being accepted for the Class of 2022; classes will begin in late July, 2020.

We accept applications on a rolling and space-available basis, with a few important dates to consider:

Early Application Deadline November 1, 2019
Priority Scholarship Deadline March 1, 2020
Final Application Deadline May 1, 2020

***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions and deadlines.***

Ace the EMBA - Download today!

admissions expertJen Weld is a former Assistant Director of Admissions at Cornell’s EMBA program. She has an additional 10 years of experience in higher ed and corporate marketing. Want Jen to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch!


Related Resources:

• 5 Fatal Flaws to Avoid in Your MBA Application Essays, a free guide
3 Key Ways to Stand Out Through Your EMBA Essays
School-Specific EMBA Application Essay Tips

The post Cornell EMBA Application Essay Tips & Deadlines [2019 – 2020] appeared first on Accepted Admissions Blog.

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